Slope Soaring Concordia Jan 3 2009

While we typically try to get in a slope flight in on New Year’s Day, this year did not cooperate with the wind direction. (We did get a bit of *gasp* power flying in a AstroWings). Anyway, It wasn’t until the 3rd that I  got a call from Mirko reporting that the wind would be good and the temperatures moderate at Concordia on Sunday. So, I went to the shop early and got a couple of planes ready; my Bee and the LEG P-51.

When I arrived at the slope the wind was already 20 MPH or so so the P-51 got the first call. I’d only planned a short flight to test the conditions but the air was so good and, in the dead spot, fairly comfortable that I flew the Mustang for a good 15-20 minutes before a lucky but safe landing.

Chris had his trusty Chrome Gulp and flew a couple of lengthy flights on the second of which he did his best Michelin Man imitation, hands inside his coat on his transmitter and sleeves flopping around.

Mirko flew his Slope Monkey and one of his Wizards.

I also had a good flight with my Bee. Mirko got a short video of the action and posted it to YouTube:

After the flying we headed to the Highland House for a bit of lunch and a brew.

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