Jan sent in this update. IMPORTANT INFO HERE!
Meant to write you last summer after reading your Wellfleet parking paragraph. Things have become even more restrictive since 2007. In May 2008 my friend was flying at Duck Harbor when the National Seashore environmental ranger told him to cease flying because of endangered species (piping plover) nesting on the beach below. While we used to park at the Great Island parking lot, and walk to the slope, it is no longer possible to use this slope in the summer (mid May to Labor Day). Same goes for other Cape beaches – depends on nesting site location.
Here’s the thread from RC Groups – http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=870844&highlight=piping+plover
I have been to Cape Cod a couple of times before and have checked out a few of the slope soaring spots listed on the CRRC site that Helmet wrote a few years back. I’ve always had excellent flying while staying at the Seascape and hitting a few of the local hills. This year the wind was a bit more west on Thursday so I decided to try the dunes at Duck Harbor near Wellfleet.
Seems that the city of Wellfleet owns the beach at Duck Harbor and from the third Saturday in June to Labor Day will not issue a beach parking permit to anyone not staying in Wellfleet. I am staying in North Truro and so can not get a legal pass to the beach during the day. After 5PM there are no restrictions but knowing about the restrictions earlier in the day would have saved me some time.
By the way, if you are staying in Wellfleet and looking for the place to get a parking pass just go to the harbor and check in at the Beach Parking Permit House.