Dave’s 1-26 is one of the best “do it all” EPP planes available. This may be the most popular EPP 2-meter ever made. Beginners and experienced pilots alike LOVE this airplane. Sky King is bringing back both the 2-meter and 60 HLG versions of this classic plane.
Sky King RC Products has spent the past year or more reintroducing some of the most well known slope planes of the last 20 years. The classic DAW 1-26 is no exception.
The 2-meter DAW 1-26 is one of the best all around planes out there. Many evenings have been spent flying in close formation with 4 to 6 of these tough birds in the “magic” air at the end of the day during the Midwest Slope Challenge. The air gets calm but there is just enough lift for these super planes to fly endlessly 2 to 25 feet over the edge of the slope. It is a riot to do low speed pylon racing with the inevirtable shunt only requiring a toss back into the action. Add a tree and a figure 8 pattern and you have somem of the most fun sloping I’ve done!
When the wind comes up the fun with the doesn’t stop with the 2-meter 1-26. This plane makes an excellent first aileron ship as well as an really nice aerobatic trainer fro those just getting started flying at odd angles!
The 60-inch DAW 1-26 HLG is a fantastic plane to have in your car. It is always ready for action and with an aileron or polyhedral version available this plane can be enjoyed by pilots of all skill levels.
Check the both out at Sky King RC Products.