MacFoil Airfoil Plotter

MacFoil is a shareware Macintosh program that creates plots of airfoils, and is intended for builders of model airplanes. I have been using the program for about 4 years and it works great!

MacFoil is a shareware Macintosh airfoil plotting program developed by Dave Johnson. Here is a description of what MacFoil is from the MacFoil website at:

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Wizard Compact II Tips

Wizard Compact 2x tips

I have had 4 Wizards and flown them a lot. I also asked other owners and perused the web for tips. Here is a collection of tidbits so far…

On a plane like the Wizard go for top-notch servos. I’ve used Volz, Multiplex and JRs in my Wizards.

If you want to do a side-by-side servo setup like in my building pictures you need a servo like the JR-341 non-digital or the DS-368 digital or a servo no larger than these. If you go tandem you could use larger servos but you have to watch for the ballast tube intruding on your available space.

The flap and aileron servos can be about as big as the Multiplex Speed Digi although I am not sure what the same size non-digital is called. Micro-Maxx Xs and Micro Maxx Xps can be used and with a little finagling, you can get the Volz mount in so you have removable, serviceable servos. Recent DS versions have been build with JR DS-3421.

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Lawrencetown Slope Soaring near Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Lawrencetown Slope Soaring near Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

A small group of us slope soar near Halifax at Lawrencetown on a bluff right on the Atlantic Ocean.
This is our site which includes three image galleries and a small movie:

This is our informal forum/log/story page:

-Steve Ryan

Steve and his SR-7

Stormeflyers Club in North Wales

We are a small active group of all weather flyers who are fortunate enough to live within the close proximity of the Great Orme in beautiful North Wales who fly various radio control model gliders ranging from dynamic soaring to combat EPP to full blown composite screamers and PSS.

Visit the club’s website:

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