Original Slope Trash Magazine logo.
We uncovered these Contributor Guidelines for Slope Trash Magazine from original publisher, Roy G. Biv, dated August 15, 2000! Well, all the basics still apply so read on. We made just a few updates to account for 17 years of Interweb advances.
Slope Trash Magazine strives to present high grade articles and photos of interest to extreme RC slope soaring pilots. In fact, we hope to present the highest quality words and images available in any RC soaring specialty publication. We want STM to be great, so send your best work.
STM is founded on irreverence, so topic areas are not limited. We may be crude but we are not unkind, so STM will not run material that ridicules individuals or puts down designers or kit makers or any individual.
The House of Blues motto, “Help Ever. Hurt Never.” applies here.
Articles: Should run from 400-900 words, may have subheads, and should be sent in Microsoft Word format, or in pure ASCII text format. We reserve the right to edit an article for length and clarity.
Photographs: Digital images should be sized to fit a 1920×1920 pixel box but need not be square. Simply the the longest side should be no more than 1920 pixels. We will hold a high standard for our photographs: action shots are highly prized, or photos of unusual people, places
and things that are related to extreme slope soaring. JPEG format
(.JPG) is best for web presentation.
Sorry, we do not pay for material. This is an all-volunteer force.
Contributed material is to be submitted in electronic form to the publisher, Greg Smith acting for Roy G. Biv, via e-mail to: greg@slopeflyer.com. You may submit under your real name or a pen name, as you wish.