Larry Pettyjohn sent me an email with the content below. Any help out there?
“I owned the Cheetah Models from 1986-1995 and produced the Super Cheetah. I sold the business to a gentleman in the state of New Mexico, around Albuerque. His name is either Alexander Scott or Scott Alexander. Have you ever heard of him or the where abouts of the tooling for the kit. I am interested in purchasing it back and need to get in contact with him. Any help would be appreciated.”
Shoot me a note if you know anything about this and I will forward it on to Larry.
I will be wanting one whenever they come out again ,,,, Dennis in Milw.
I have two super cheetas Its a great plane and should be re introduced. I will be electrifing one soon.R. O’Connor.
Love my 20 year old Super Cheetah! Still flying great, as long as there is plenty of wind. That duralene fuselage is awesome, virtually indestructible. I did have to cut a new foam wing once after destroying the original though. Would love to see the kit reintroduced.
I have a Super Cheetah kit…brand new in the box. I have had it for about 20 years. Never got past flying my Oly II. Now I’m getting back into the hobby. Glad I didn’t sell it! But sorry I tossed my Oly II after I crashed it. Will be ordering one of the reishued Oly II kits. Loved that plane…complete with spoilers!
I would like to buy your Super Cheetah kit.
$ ???
have a super cheetah for sale
I would like to buy Super Cheetah. Used to have one. $???
!That could be a little generalizing. Can you write more about this for me please? 🙂