Greg Flys Point of the Mountain

The weather forecast looked good this AM and the family was switching hotels today so we needed to kill some time between checking out of one hotel and in to the next. “Let’s go check out some flying”,  I suggested. And so we did.

06/27/04 – Salt Lake City, UT

The weather forecast looked good this AM and the family was switching hotels today so we needed to kill some time between checking out of one hotel and in to the next. “Let’s go check out some flying”,  I suggested. And so we did.

Our first stop was the north site at Point of the Mountain near Draper, Utah, about 15 miles south of downtown Salt Lake City. The site is easy to find and if you need directions check out the Inter Mountain Silent Flyer website. The only problem was the wind was the wrong direction. At the end of the road I spotted a few planes flying on the other side of the point. No way to get there directly form this spot anymore so I went around and followed the IMSF site directions to the south flying site.

The south flying site at Point of the Mountain is great. There is good separation from the hang glider and parasail pilots and a really nice LZ as well as the awesome slope.

When I got to the flying site Mike, Tom and Zack were there.

Mike had a 4-meter Alpina, Tom flew a F3B Eagle and I believe Zack’s plane was a Spirit Elite.

I first flew the Jaro Mueller 3CAM and it was great. The slope lift was good and there were abundant thermals that took the plane up in no time. Screaming passes ensued.

The IMSF crew had been at the site for a few hours and were headed out as I was putting together my McLean Extreme. I had a couple of great flights with the Extreme. I again noticed that I needed to keep the plane moving a bit faster at the higher altitude.

After the AM flying at POM the family headed out to the Bonneville Salt Flats where I got in a bit of DLG action on the salt!


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