These are locations we have had the privilege to fly. Some may have access restrictions.
Check with local flyers for information.
Kansas Slope Flying Sites
Wilson Lake – This is the location of the Midwest Slope Challenge in May.
Race report from Wilson Lake 2001.
Wilson Lake is located at mile 153.9 on the Saline River, in Russell County, in north central Kansas. The damsite is about 45 miles west of Salina and 10 miles north of Wilson, Kansas. Interstate 70 is located approximately 7 miles south of the lake. Direct access to the lake is provided by Kansas 232 which crosses over the dam and connects Interstate 70 and Kansas 18. Access to the lake is also provided by Kansas 181 and numerous county roads on the north and south sides on the lake. The Dorrance Road, which connects with Interstate 70, and South Shore Drive are paved county roads that provide access to the parks on the south side of the lake. Other county roads are well maintained gravel roads.
There are several possible locations to fly depending on wind direction.
Local Pilots
Pat McCleave – Hi, my name is Pat McCleave and I have been sloping KS since the late 70’s. Of course my favorite site is Wilson Reservoir in north central Kansas but there are several others that are still quite Spectacular. Pat is working on a couple of other sites. Contact him for the latest info.
If anyone ever wants to do a Kansas Slope Safari let me know, I am sure we would have a great time.