Pointe Annalouseten, Brittany, (France) Temp: 12 C; wind 30 knots from the west
No rain today! Skies are still gray.
I went over to Pointe Annalouseten at about 9:30 AM and flew for about 30 minutes. Launching the Sagitta was tricky; I had to walk down the path about 20 yards to launch in less turbulence. The plane went up like it was on an elevator. Gulls cruised through the area and I chased them all over the sky. They like to play. I worked my way slowly backward up the path to the road and kept on a-cruising’ with the German made Sagitta.
Compared to the other day at this site, the wind was much better and coming several degrees to the right. I will also have to admit that this site can be flown with SW winds. After carefully checking some very detailed maps, I found that this is the only site in a 30 mile area that can utilize SW winds. This west wind was very smooth and not as turbulent as my first flights here, which were SW winds.
Landing was the classic low, head-on frontal pass from the right, turning at road edge and plopping into the very soft underbrush that is found all over Brittany.
I’m told by the natives here that the N or NW wind is more common here and this SW wind is somewhat odd at this time of the year. I will be going back to Pointe Annalouseten this afternoon to fly again
I may be heading to Menez-Hom tomorrow or Friday. I passed by yesterday on the way to Quimper and it was total fog and rain. We are supposed to get 3 or 4 days of very good weather, so I’m up for anything.